The Types of Bugs That Feed on Mold
It wouldn’t be too far-fetched to assume that where there is mold, there will be bugs as well. The reason for this is that the same conditions that attract mold also attract a few different species of bugs. Essentially, damp conditions are a breeding ground for all types of unwanted visitors. This becomes an even more troublesome issue when you learn that mold and bugs can also help each other in a way. Listed here are a few different bugs that consider mold to be a tasty snack.
Mold releases mycotoxins into the air—these draw termites to the area. As the damp conditions cause wood to rot and deteriorate, it becomes easier for termites to penetrate the wood and eat away at it. Furthermore, the mold doesn’t just help the termites—they reciprocate by spreading mold spores as they go along.
Mold Mites
Mold mites are miniscule creatures that, as their name suggests, choose mold as their primary food source. They’re small white bugs with long hairs that can break off and become airborne. The effects they cause are similar to the ones that mold causes, with the potential to cause allergic reactions. Fortunately, these bugs don’t bite, but you’ll still want to have a professional eliminate any mold in order to get rid of their feasting grounds.
As with termites, mold makes cockroaches’ meals easier to obtain. Cockroaches live off of paper and wood, and mold makes these treats easier to digest. Plus, the deterioration mold causes helps cockroaches get through the wood easier.
These small creatures are generally clear in appearance, but they can range from near-translucent to a light brown. Booklice make their home in areas with high humidity, as they require moisture to survive. They get their name from the damp books they often enjoy residing in. These bugs feed off mold, so areas with both moisture and mold will allow these hardy pests to thrive.
When you allow mold to live in your home for too long, it’s sure to attract at least one of these species. The mold and the bugs can work together to quickly eat through paper and wood, damaging the structure of your home. It’s best to nip the problem in the bud before you find yourself spending a significant amount of money on carpenters and exterminators. If you choose the right company, you’ll solve the issue in a minimal amount of time. Our experienced professionals provide the best attic mold removal in Michigan. For more information, call Attic Renew today.