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Attic Mold Health Risks

If you have noticed any signs of mold in your attic, they need to be addressed before you or your family begin to suffer any negative consequences from exposure to mold spores. While the presence of mold or black mold in your attic can be unsightly, it is nothing compared to the potential risks involved with regularly breathing it in—especially if your attic is poorly ventilated.

Exposure to mold spores can be problematic for individuals who already suffer from allergies or asthma. However, even those not predisposed toward allergies or asthma can experience signs of irritation stemming from exposure to mold.

According to WebMD, those most sensitive to the negative effects of mold exposure include:

  • Infants

  • Children

  • The Elderly

  • Individuals with autoimmune disorders

  • Individuals with compromised immune systems stemming from infection or disease

  • Individuals with chronic lung disease

  • Individuals that are prone to allergies

  • Individuals with asthma

Anywhere that is sufficiently damp can provide the moisture mold needs to thrive. When mold begins growing on a surface with sufficient moisture, it will begin to release spores. While mold may often be present in the air we breathe, it isn’t harmful unless you’re inhaling a large number of spores. When high concentrations of spores are present in the air you breathe, this is when anyone can begin to experience issues. Mold may cause the following irritations:

  • Allergic reactions

  • Sneezing

  • Runny nose

  • Red eyes

  • Skin rash

  • Asthma attacks (in individuals with asthma)

  • The development of asthma in previously non-asthmatic individuals

If you are currently dealing with any symptoms related to mold exposure, or if you have already identified large amounts of black mold growing in your attic, reach out to a mold remediation expert to have them ascertain the full extent of the mold’s current state. The sooner we can determine the extent of the mold’s presence, the sooner we can begin trying to rectify the matter and restore the air quality in your home.

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How Can We Help?

Minimum attic access opening size is 22 inches by 22 inches. Minimum 4/12 roof pitch for adequate space to access the mold and use equipment.


Main Office

Flint Office

6140 Taylor Dr

Flint, MI 48507

Charlotte Office

1875 Lansing Rd

Charlotte, MI 48813


Monday - Friday 

9:00 am to 5:00 pm


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